
            Testing Software Testing Software
            WJ Series Manual WJ11, WJ15, WJ16, WJ17, WJ18
            WJ20, WJ21, WJ25, WJ27, WJ28
            WJ30, WJ31, WJ32, WJ33, WJ34
            WJ60, WJ61, WJ62, WJ63, WJ65
            WJ66, WJ67, WJ68, WJ69,
            WJ70, WJ71,
            WJ80, WJ89,
            WJ90, WJ91, WJ93, WJ94, WJ95
            WJ96, WJ97, WJ99,

            WJ100, WJ101, WJ102, WJ105
            WJ106, WJ108,
            WJ121, WJ123, WJ125, WJ126
            WJ127, WJ128,
            WJ150, WJ151, WJ152, WJ153
            WJ155, WJ157, WJ158, WJ159
            WJ160, WJ161, WJ162, WJ165
            WJ166, WJ167, WJ168,
            WJ181, WJ183, WJ185, WJ186

            WJ201, WJ202, WJ203,WJ205
            WJ225, WJ226, WJ285, WJ286
            WJ321, WJ323, WJ325, WJ326
            WJ801, WJ852,
            Tip: You can press CTRL+F to search
            DIN Series Manual DIN11 One in One out isolator
            DIN12 One in Two out isolator
            DIN22 Two in Two out isolator
            DIN14 One in Four out isolator
            DIN24 Two in Four out isolator
            DIN44 Four in Four out isolator
            DIN11L High current out within 5W
            DIN11D High current out within 2A
            DIN11F High current out within 5A

            DIN11-PWM-VA(PWM to Analog)
            DIN11/12/22(Analog/485 to PWM)
            DIN11-IAP-FPV(Freq to Analog)
            DIN11-IAP-VPF(Analog to Freq)
            DIN11 Resistor one in one out
            DIN12 Resistor one in two out
            DIN22 Resistor two in two out
            WJ11 Pt100 one in one out
            DIN12 Pt100 one in two out
            DIN22 Pt100 two in two out

            DIN11-SPO Speed pulse isolator
            DIN33-SPO Speed pulse isolator
            DIN44-SPO Speed pulse isolator
            DIN11-AC one in one out
            DIN33-AC three in three out
            DIN11-IAP 4-20mA
            DIN11 IAP100LP
            DIN11 IAP100LF
            IAP Isolation Module Photoelectric IAP V/A-P-V/A
            Magneto electric IAPM V/A-P-V/A
            Passive IAP 4-20mA
            Passive IAP100LP
            Passive IAP100LF
            AC IAP AC-P-V/A
            For product information not listed,
            Please contact us